Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A visitor recognized a pic
(my post on March 20, 2006)
shooted by himself and sent me
the full series!!
Absolutely stunning!
A couple on a beach in Australia:
is topless, but keeps her bottoms on.
She keeps a certain modesty,
but she is also brave enough
to show her tits and to wear a skinny pant
showing her cheecks too!
He is stark naked and ...
an erection is arising!!
He is two times nude:
showing his assets and showing his excitement ...
Maybe she too is exicited by that situation ...
The best scene:
real life Cfnm, a common people Cfnm situation
in everyday life ...
Many thanks to the friend
that sent me the pics ...
I hope other visitors will do the same.
With this post I want
to start a
reporting real life Cfnm


Unknown said...

Nothing hotter than being nude in front of clothed women. I look for every opportunity. Thanks, Marie.

Unknown said...

Belle série. Je connaissais quelques unes des photos, mais c'était la première fois que je voyais la série entière.

J'espère qu'on verra encore plus souvent des scènes CFNM tirées de la vie de tous les jours, c'est plus sympa que le matériel commercial.

Anonymous said...

j'adore ce couple à poils j'adore le mec blond si mignon... il se balade sur la plage avec ses belles fesses blanches, la bite gonflée, avec le gland et tout... ça m'excite tout à fait, ce mec est à criquer tout cru

Jo Kristian said...

I do understand him very well. I go to nude beaches all the time, and usually don't get an erection - except when I realize there is a camera pointing at me. I can't seem to resist that...

Wonderful series.

Anonymous said...

I love these cfnm pictures - these are some of my favorites! I love the young blond man - what a beautiful body, beautiful buns and beautiful penis - he would be a fantasy for me! I love the fact that the pictures are so natural, and that he is so beautifully erect knowing the camera is on him.

Anonymous said...

I saw this series in voyeurweb and there was more photos of the girl (who was fully clothed -not topless) playing with the guy's cock.. unfortunately i can't find those anymore.. if the sender is real, please post those photos too.

Laurence said...

d'accord avec julie, cette série est incroyable, et le beau mec blond a tout pour lui : beau visage, beau corps, et belle grosse queue érigée...