Wednesday, June 02, 2010

B2B is a huge run in San Francisco, an happening with hundreds thousands of people. This event is attended also by a large number of naked people, both male and female. However, the nude crowd is about 70-80% male, though the "nude" females in that ratio include the ones who are just topless, that likely outnumber the fully nude ones.
Many people attend for the sole purpose of watching at the nudity, happily snapping pictures and posing with naked people. Women are just as---if not more---open about their wathing. Many young woman like the fact they "see more penises in one day than most women see in a whole lifetime."
There are also couples walking hand in hand, with the woman clothed and the man completely naked. It's as though the woman is supportive of her husband's public nudity, and is there for him, but keeps her threads on. What a cfnm paradise!!


Anonymous said...

Last time I participated was circa 2003, 2004, or maybe 2005? Was talked into it. Has grown and gotten bigger now.


Chad Delaurence said...

Mine grows bigger every year too. ... and yes, so does our annual Bay to Breakers event ;)

It's always a fun time.


Anonymous said...

All of them have tiny weenies but they seem not to have qualms about showing their smallness!!! I bet their cock haven´t grow not even half an inch!!!!!!!!!!