Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Relaxing in the green
"I love having you naked in the park" she says to him
"Yes, open your legs to better show your goods to everybody!
In my camera I have your nude pics ..."


Brian said...

She gets him naked after only one beer. Now, women everywhere are going to start buying guys Miller Lite.


Anonymous said...

lucky guy !! wish i was in his place !!

Anonymous said...

Great pic Marie. Much, much better than pics of topless women and nude men.

Jose said...

Thank you Marie for all the photos, all great!
I sent you a couple of myself in CFNM situation on the beach, but you never published them. I will try sending more, a bit more explicit, although I will have to hide face.

takis-greece said...

cool photos marie!!i have added some comments to other picrures too..

Stefano said...

Hello Marie,

I like your blogspot a lot, and offcourse I respect your rule: surf naked!
I sent you a nice email a few weeks ago, together with some pictures of me. And with other cfnm art pictures. Unfortunately you didn't answer my mail and you didn't publish my photos. Maybe you don't have time?
Keep on the good work!

Fully nude regards, Stefano

Marie said...

Dear all, many thanks for your comments, I appreciate a lot.
More comments, more pics!

Kisses ...
on your nude dick (I hope) when you surf my blog!

Marie said...

thanks you for your comments!
I didn't received your pics, maybe an email misrunning; cuold you please send them me again?

takis-grece said...

she seems to enjoy it beeing near her nude man.. nice clothes and she is very huppy.. although i would like from her to touch it a little

Anonymous said...

Great pix, thanks!

Jocelyn said...

Nice they found a park where men can go around naked. Women should encourage this in their men. I like her sexy halter top too.

takis-greece said...

i agree jocelyn with you.. wearing that she shows a little something from her sexy boobs and covers the most part acting like she handdles the situation

takis-greece said...

they really must find some places that cfnm happenings can be organized.. i am searching for such you touch your mans goods when you are in a cfnm situation jocelyn?

Anonymous said...

The man of the pic must be a sssiy cause I dont understand why he hasn´t a hard-on, standing so close to that sexy woman... if I were him, my dick would probably be as hard as an iron bar!!!