Friday, July 15, 2011

Another beach couple
She wears her bikini, showing only some ass ...
He is stark naked!
The right dress code for couples on the beach ...
This should be mandatory!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely it should be mandatory!

Marie said...

I completely agree.
Who is in favour on mandatory dress code on beaches?

Brian said...

I think I’d enjoy anyplace that had a dress code (undress code?) that required male nudity. Even though you can’t see it, one of the things I enjoy about your blog is how I’m required to get nude to view it.

Marie said...

I could view, send me your Cfnm pics or in front of my blog on your screen.
Kisses on ...

Jocelyn said...

Male nudity at the beach is normal and should be encouraged if not demanded by women. But we wear swimsuits while the guys go nude. Kisses, boys - - life is so-o-o-o-o-o unfair!

Mark said...

I agree with Marie and Jocelyn - Male nudity at the beach should be mandatory. Women should demand it. Men should not be given the option to hide their tools.

Spain said...

I agree with Jocelyn and Stark Naked Mark. I never use a swinwuit. To be naked at the beach is mandatory. My girl often feel upset if we don´t find a mixed beach, because she wants to see me naked.

ron said...

I would go along with the nude male
and bikini females on the beach.

Frank said...

I hope that in the future we will have official cfnm beaches...

Anonymous said...

No, I hope that in the future we will have mandatory cfnm on beaches...

AnyBody said...

yes, it should be mandatory that men wear nothing and be completely naked on beaches
for women, i would prefer that they hace the choice doing what they want : wearing a bikini, or topless, or nude
but for men, there should be no choice : nakedness should be mandatory, everybody should see them naked

Marie said...

Any Body, many thanks for your message.
So, how your girl is dressed on the beach? Bikini, topless, nude ...
and you?

Anonymous said...

The woman on the pic is starting to undress. i bet she will be totally naked and showing her assets in a couple of minutes... Everybody (especially men) will enjoy her nakedness......