Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cfnm with erection is better ...
This thread is king on the blog:
44 comments, a record!
The dressed guy is pushing away the girlfriend?
He doesnt want she enjoy the show?
Shame !
He too has to undress ...
and maybe have an hard-on!
Here a new pics, but I wait for more comments ...


Anonymous said...

excellent !!
est-ce qu'on connait le contexte de la photo ?
on peut aller faire la même chose ? :)

Jocelyn said...

Indeed his hardon PROVES that public male nudity is just as much fun for the boys as the girls---very appreciative girls, I might add! Kisses, boys!

AnyBody said...

the dressed guy is smiling, he looks happy, his girlgriend not.
maybe he is telling her : "you see, here boys can put themselves naked, it's real fun, i'd love doing it now too, why you don't want me to do like this other guy here ? i'd really love being bare naked here among all these people, with my sex naked and why not even a hard-on !".
please, other women and girls, explain her how great it is to have her boyfriend getting naked and having his sex seen by everybody

Anonymous said...

No AnyBody,
the girls doesn't smile as she would have her boyfriend too in the nake, but he isn't and he tries to put take away!

Marie said...

Oui, le contexte est London WNBR ... tu aussi peut le faire!

Marie said...

I completely agree with you!
Cfnm is a fun both for males and females!

Marie said...

are you sure?
Is the girl of the guy unwilling a Cfnm situation?

seb said...

Quel est le prochain événement du même type pas trop loin (london ça va encore à la limite) ? :)

William Hanford said...

CFNM rocks in UK, the land of discipline and trust. Being naked is a form to explain: "Please, girls, I won't hurt you, I don't hide anything"

Anonymous said...

It is more then "I won't hurt you." it is "Do you like what you see? Would you like to see soft, filling out, or full hard?" It allows the woman to have her enjoyment of the penis, cock, or manmeat.. her choice of phrase of course. I always make sure my girlfriend has full control over my manmeat, as she likes to call it. Even if she is showing it to her friends!

William Hanford said...

Anonymous 8/23, could you invite your girlfriend to explain us these ideas in this blog? It could be interesting learn from her point of view

Anonymous said...

William, my manmeat let me know you wanted to know a bit more! I love my little toy being fully exposed for my pleasure. When I watch tv, or read a book, I can just reach over and have a soft and smooth piece of manmeat in my hand. And don't worry! He can read the blog whenever he wants, but only when he is good and hard. And afterwards he has a good supervised cumming... I love that pulsing head. Now, William, you're keeping your manmeat ready for female playtime correct?