Monday, September 05, 2011

Bums on display for girl's enjoyment


Anonymous said...

I've done this before, but usually by myself in front of female friends. I think it is good that girls know they can ask for men to line up and strip and that they will. Women should get as much enjoyment out of nude males as possible. It is a shame women cannot order up nude men at their workplaces to come walk around, or that waiters do not serve women naked.

Anonymous said...

I agree : it is good that girls and women know that they can ask for men getting nude in front of them, and many of them will like doing it.

We can see many pictures of naked girls and as a man I love it, but I think it would be just fair and normal that women and girls can see men and boys naked as much as they want too.
Women and men are equal, so women and girls should not be the only ones to pose nude and show naked, men and boys must have the same right to show naked and pose nude !

We men have to accept it AND TO DO IT !

Naked kisses to everybody

William H said...

Ass party!