Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Embarassment ...
is a key factor of Cfnm
Both the guys and the girls
seem more ambarassed than amused
Isn't it?


Anonymous said...

The girls shouldn't be embarrassed! They should be taking advantage! Two naked penises for their enjoyment. They should compare them, and make them compete! Penis Olympics sounds like fun, and hanging the gold medal would be very entertaining. Maybe tie a golden ribbon?

takis greece said...

you are right anonymous!olympics for cock size penis size fast erection , fast cum , who explode more cum!!great idea.. what the girls of the blog say about this????

William H said...

I sign for this Olympics! Only dressed female jury, of course

Anonymous said...

Men used to do the Olympics naked, that tradition should be brought back. Let the women decide what tasks the penises should do to earn ribbons to be tied around them tightly.

Anonymous said...

the boys are smiling, the girl is embarassed!