Saturday, March 17, 2012

Couples at WNBR

Women love going to this happening for showing their man naked to the world

She smiles showing her men in the nude

Double couple: wearing bikini and showing each other hubby dick
TFNM couple: is he embarassed being nude or beacuse of topless wife?


Jocelyn said...

There have ALWAYS been spectator sports for MEN: football, baseball, basketball, auto racing and more. Now we FINALLY have spectator sports for WOMEN: WNBR, Bay to Breakers, nude beaches, streaking, to name a few. And women should encourage their men to participate publicly, if you get my drift.

Sorry boys, but at the very end, I think us girls got the better show!

takis greece said...

wow!some nice girls wearing their clothes having fun with some tottally nude guys!their cock heads are uncovered showing how much they enjoy the situation!

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn, I always agree with everything you say. And your attitude toward nude guys is always spot on!

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn, welcome back on this blog!
You're right, as always!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the 2nd pic: girls show each others they guuys' dicks

Anonymous said...

yes, exposing thir own men each other is a good idea!

Mosquerin said...

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