Thursday, February 07, 2013

CFNM in movies: X-Night of Vengeance


The actor Darren Moss gets his dongle-berries out in 'X-Night of Vengeance". 

He's shaved and then fully exposed to the sight of some fine dressed ladies, nice!


kiwidave said...

very nice I would like to be in that postion with those attractive women

Jocelyn said...

You know boys, if he turns around maybe he can look up their skirts! He can sneak a peek at their underpants---while they see everything! Life is so-o-o-o-o unfair...

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn, life is so unfair since you are still alive, honey! ;(

7inchesMass said...

I would so love to be this guy!

Marie said...

Anon, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:12 PM
I understand you would see Jocelyn naked, and it's likely that you are frustrate, but please, do not be unpolite!
Any comment is welcome on my blog, even if of different opinion, but
not offensive comments.
Maybe you are on the wrong blog.
Why are you here?
Kisses anyway.

Unknown said...

hey i personally always like it when Jocelyn teases us guys with her comments . Its just a little bit of playful tease nothing wrong with it

Anonymous said...

I agree, Traun. It's all just for fun and the more the girls tease, the better it gets. I also wonder why those that get upset, or offensive, are even here? They just sound silly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Traun