Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Look at him !


Anonymous said...

Excellent! All males should be posed nude with a dressed female!

karen harris said...

The boys should always be totally nude while the ladies should be clothed. The ladies, are of course, the superiors while the men are FAR inferior. This is why the boys should always be in the inferior mode....naked.

Anonymous said...

karen harris, your four minutes that this psychiatric hospital let you for your leisure activities are over!!! now be a good girl and take your pill in your birthsuit. Your TOTALLY CLOTHED male keepers will make you have a great time, meanwhile they teach you how you MUST behave in front of your FAR superior owners. You just play your role of stinky inferior butch! Rabble like you makes us puke!!!;)

another naked boy said...

karen harris, you are, of course, correct. Boys not only should be totally nude while the ladies are clothed, the naked boys should serve the dressed ladies also! Anon Dec 21 will also come to realize that simple truth when his own medication kicks in.:-)

Happy Naked Male said...

Totally agree with you Karen Harris & happy for you to send a preview of mature naked male for you (& your friends?) to enjoy! ;)

Anonymous said...

Karen Harris, more women should be like you! I envy your boy friend. What a happy man.