Friday, January 24, 2014

CFNM is an ancient tradition ...

Since centuries double standard has been usual in every social context and males were naked among their dressed female friends, school fellows, girlfriends, wives, etc.
"Culture encouraged, if not required, boys and men to be nude while swimming or sea-bathing, sometimes even in the presence of females, although females invariably remained fully clothed in bathing costumes or conservative dress of their era".
See here


coleopter said...

Yes, I guess it has long been considered part of the natural order of things. I used to resent it, but I've come to accept it.

I Wish It Were Me... said...

Even in more recent times, apparently.

From the July 5, 1968 edition of the Eureka (CA) Times-Standard, in a front page story entitled "Berkeley Has Its Celebration, 15,000 Turn Out":

"The distinct fragrance of marijuana could be sniffed occasionally, but it was not particularly prevalent. A dance featuring a nude man and a clothed girl attracted considerable attention."

Anonymous said...

the 4th pic is one of the best: double couple, double standard!

Anonymous said...

Great pics Marie

Anonymous said...

The tradition should be carried on ... as much as possibile ... on every beach!

Anonymous said...

Most of them looks like fakes.

Anonymous said...

It's likely that some penises have been enlarged, but the photos are original

Jocelyn said...

It's so important that we women encourage and fully support our men to swim, sunbathe, and go about the beach completely nude. It's a long tradition and is making a comeback in a big way, which I think is fantastic! XOXO

coleopter said...

Well, Jocelyn, I guess it's not that much of a historical anomaly. After all, didn't athletes compete in the nude before a mixed audience in ancient Greek festivals such as the Olympics? Do you know if women ever competed?

Anonymous said...

Look at:

Anonymous said...

Male nudity in mixed company was both commonplace and utterly unremarkable in ancient Greece. There were women's olympics, with the women competing in the equivalent of modern bikinis.

beth said...

It's quite easy to confirm that some are fakes, but the visual idea is still nice. And Jocelyn, you're right, beach cfnm is a long tradition making a comeback.:) This will anger some males, but in time they will come to accept it.;)

Anonymous said...

joceyln is so very right abt men being encouraged to go totally nude at the beaches. as more and more women get their men to bare, it'll soon be a norm that men wouldn dare to break.

Anonymous said...

Yes, CFNM mandatory on all the beaches!

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that a lot of nudist clubs get lots of men but relatively few women. The obvious solution would be CFNM clubs where men and boys (accompanied by parents of course) are required to be naked, but women and girls are required to remain fully clothed. I think that would draw a lot of women, because women love to look at naked men in safe settings, but are often reluctant to be naked themselves in public. The "women and girls must be fully-clothed" would remove any pressure on the women to do something they're uncomfortable with. Meanwhile, the guys could prance around naked in front of women all the time.

I wonder if the idea has ever been tried?