Thursday, June 05, 2014

Beach couple


Anonymous said...

Frontal view please, Marie !!!!

Anonymous said...

we want dicks jiggling about, not just asses!

Anonymous said...

Love the beach CFNM pics. Keep up the great work, Marie!

Just Another Naked Man at the Beach said...

An increasingly common sight on so many "nude" beaches. Thanks for posting, and please post more!

Anonymous said...

Very natural beach CFnm. Beautiful! Thank you again, Marie!

Unknown said...

Marie post pics of naked rugby...... there are many asses bending & seen live by girls.... and U can also see OBLATION RUN in Philipines university...

Anonymous said...

"yes we've got photos from the beach but, mum, I should warn you that your David is naked in most of them. Do you still want to see them?"
"oh wow! I haven't seen him that way since he was a boy...yeah, give them here. Oh, very nice. So how come he was naked? Wasn't he shy?"
"oh, no reason. I just prefer him that way. And he was very shy at first, but now I think he rather likes his all over suntan. Don't suppose he's lost his shyness enough to let you see it though! In fact, I don't think he knows my sister sneaked up and took this photo! Shall we call him in and let him know I've shown it to his mother! Will his face be red! "

Anonymous said...

"yes let's. I'll pretend to be cross. DAVID, GET IN HERE THIS MINUTE! YOU'VE GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!!"

Anonymous said...

"Now then, about these pictures your wife has just shown me. I'd just like to know what you think you were doing?"
"Oh God mum, these were meant to be private! Jeannie what've you shown my mum for? And who even took this one? Oh God it was Andrea wasn't it?"
"Never mind who it was son. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you - oh sorry, I can't keep it up, I'm going to have a fit of the giggles. No, they're quite sweet and I can see why she didn't want you in those ridiculous Bermuda shorts. You look fine. In fact, Jeannie, if it"s all right with you I think I'll take this one home for the mantelpiece. It'll give your Mum and my sisters something to natter about next time they visit"

Anonymous said...

"Now listen up, mum, Jeannie. I can take a joke as well as the next man but this has gone more than far enough! No way is that picture going on your mantelpiece mum. Not happening. Mum? Jeannie?"
"Oh God love. Your mum and I were just winding you up. That photo can be our secret. Just you, me and mum here. Nobody else. Ah, and Andrea cos she took the photo. I'm sorry. If I'd known you'd be that embarrassed I'd never have... stuck it on the Internet!!"

Anonymous said...

Hello Marie, hope you don't mind that your lovely picture inspired me to a little story. Love Jeannie

Anonymous said...

I was in a similar situation at a nude beach when these 3 women came up and asked if I would join them in a game of volleyball. Of course I said yes. They kept hitting the ball and making me chase it. I asked one of them why they were doing that and she said they just wanted to watch my cock and balls flopping around all over the place. After the game they took pictures with me. The last girl grabbed my cock for her picture and yelled “Penis”!!!!! A great time had by all.