Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hands on !

Your girlfriend loves cfnm, especially with your black friends ... and you love shooting her


Anonymous said...

Marie, if you post a nude photo of yourself, I'll send my beach cfnm photos.

Anonymous said...

No, Marie must preserve her modesty! Nude boys with clothed girls only, right Jocelyn?

Anonymous said...

I love being nude with clothed women. My ex used to have me nude all the time and even when her friends came over, we'd watch movies all with my cock and balls out. I'd cook for them nude too which was my favorite. We joked that she wore the pants. But I also love to see pussies and boobs, so Marie, Jocelyn and other females here should post some naked pics.

Anonymous said...

Yes, all the females here should send pics in which we all can see their goods (boobs, asses and pussies) and comment, compare and contrast them with clothed men near them. Girls, give freedom to your pussies!!! Kisses on your...

Anonymous said...

This is a CFNM blog! Men willing ot look at naked women are wrong on this blog, go away to another one.

Moreover remember the rule, if you are am le, you have ot be naked while surfing this blog.

It' CFNM , guys!

Anonymous said...

Lol I have to be nude when I'm on this blog?

Anonymous said...

11.44PM, if you are male, yes, you have to be nude when you are on this blog. It's Marie's rule.

Anonymous said...

She needs two hands to tame that beast!

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:22- that's absurd. Obviously there's no way for her to know if us guys surfing this blog are doing it with our dicks hanging out.

Anonymous said...

I'd really be excited if I had the opportunity to take a pic of my girlfriend in that situation!

Anonymous said...

I suggest she could use her other hand to feel and squeeze his bouncing balls!

Anonymous said...

Anón 2:22 is somewhat stupid.

Anonymous said...

April 14 at 10:29 PM, and you are totally stupid for making even stupider, meaningless comments about people you don't even know just because you don't agree with them. So kindly bugger off and take your dull wit along with you, and leave the discussions for smart people that know how to actually discuss.:)

Anonymous said...

the only smart comment is that of April 9, 2015 at 2:56 PM
Guys let your GF enjoy CFNM even with other guys!