Saturday, January 30, 2016

S  a  i  l   i  n  g


Anonymous said...

That guy is Alessandro Lecchio, a known Italian playboy. He is supposed to be an aristocrat, but nobody can prove it. Moreover, he lives on his scandales and love affairs (later, told in yellow press).

Anonymous said...

Looks like a old pic cfnm has been going on for years

Anonymous said...

The gal has just finished her work with his cock

Anonymous said...

Vintage CFNM

P. Ness said...

Yes, Anonymous February 1, 2016 at 1:39 AM, she's definitely had her hand on the rudder...

Anonymous said...

LOL @Feb 1 at 5:48 PM. Good one.

Spain said...

Many people in Spain think this pic (it was published in some papers) is a fake and a mascarade (well, I don´t know how to translate the spanish word "montaje", sorry). He did it for money. Lecquio is a playboy, but also an aristocrat, more or less relative to the king.