Tuesday, February 02, 2016

You can leave your hat on ...


coleopter said...

He looks decidedly embarrassed, as his genitals dangle in the cool spring air. As for her, she looks very happy to be a girl, as she scrutinizes the penises of the men, and especially the big full testicles hanging down between their legs.

Anonymous said...

White people have the smallest dicks

Enos the Penis said...

Right you are Coleporter! You see all the "Bare to Breakers" guys (and the occasional girl) stripping down in one large group at the beginning of B2B with one large cheer! But about a mile into the race (it's 7.5 miles/12 km long) the group is broken up, and each of the naked guys finds himself **ALONE** among all the clothed people, "as his genitals dangle" while many a woman "scrutinizes the penises," including his!

Not for the faint of heart. (Especially the guy who has a friend hold his clothes for him, and then gets separated from her.)