Saturday, August 06, 2016

I s      t h a t     a    b e t ?


Proud Servant said...

Everyone's smiling, that's good. Now if the guys would just relax and stop trying to hide, the women could have an even better time.

Anonymous said...

Put your hands down, you look weird touching yourself. None of these girls are virgins, they are experienced women trained to examine your cock. So act mature and invite the ladies to cup your balls and hold your penis while you ask them out on a date. Love ...

Anonymous said...

You would amazed at how common impromptu cfnm is becoming at social events. After a few drinks some of the girls easily convince the more confident guy at the party to strip. Then the remainder of the boys are peer pressured to follow like little boy sheeps. Minutes later we have a full cfnm party! It happens all the time at private house parties. We make sure to invite the willing participant, the guys who will gladly cooperate and get this started. My girlfirend and I attended several of these parties. We love them. Over time, I have personally examined and played with the naked the body, balls and cock of over a hundered of my male studen classmates. I have even accepted dates from naked guys who ask me out, standing naked in front of me as I play with his balls with my fingers. Being a young women in the cfnm era is truly special. Everyone including the guys are having the time of their life.

Anonymous said...

I have experienced this first hand at college. Being a clothed girl at a party with charged up drunk naked boys waking around with erections and pre cum dripping out of their penises is surreal. The girls boldly walk up to the guys and hold them by the balls while speaking with them. Others sit next to the guy they fancy on a sofa and play with his cock while flirting with him. Some times two girls are playing with a boy at the same time, one attempting to grasp a single testical and the other examining his Johnson. Hand jobs are common at these parties and this takes place outside in the dark. Photos are never taken at these events to protect the innocent. I feel we are taking advantage of these boys, however they voluntarily strip for us and appear to enjoy the cfnm experience as much if not more than the girls.

Proud Servant said...

To the commenters of Aug. 16 and 17... Thank you for your detailed reports of the parties on your campuses. I am so glad to know that society is evolving rapidly, and in such a good way. May the cfnm era blossom and lead to even greater change.

Commenter of Aug. 17: You are taking advantage of the naked boys, that's true. But as you point out, they're naked voluntarily and they're having a good time, too. I encourage you to let go of concerns about the boys, and enjoy taking advantage of them. You have a natural advantage, and you can use it to get just what you want from boys. Particularly naked ones.

And for both of you now, I'm curious about a few things. Since so many women have seen and fondled so many of their male classmates, does this change social interactions between the sexes away from the parties? Are women emboldened by the liberties they've already taken with the "little boy sheeps"? And commenter of Aug. 16, when you have a date with a boy who asked you out while you were playing with his balls, does it change the nature of the date? Is it marked by the inequality that's inherent in CFNM? I'm imagining you could easily get a boy to go down on you and not reciprocate at all, and that he'd thank you for the opportunity. But you tell me, please.

Thanks again for your comments.