Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Naked Attraction

In the dating show Naked Attraction on Channel 4 people looking for a partner 

see their dates naked from the waist down first.

A lot of Cfnm situations involved! 

Here Channel 4 program and here a video


Anonymous said...

Peanut cocks eliminated...thats what the gals are telling the first guy

Proud Servant said...

Wow, what a show! Everyone was so very comfortable with the nudity. The men were really objectified--the woman who got to pick a naked man for a date told the host exactly what she liked and didn't about each man's body. "His nipples are definitely flickable." And one reject described it as an empowering experience.

The show also includes female nudity, but you can pick your episode and minimize that.

Anonymous said...

Lol white people have such little dicks

Anonymous said...

Just saw this episode. Amazing. They lined up several naked guys, with the girl comparing them from the waist down. Closely examining their cocks, sorting them out between cicumsized and uncut, skin color, length and diameter of penises, size and firmness of their balls etc. All I want to know is where does a lonely single girl (a good girl) like me sign up to be a contestant on this show. Bet you there is a long waiting list of girls waiting for a call.

Anonymous said...

intéressant mais l'épisode en question n'est pas le bon exemple, la nana choisit la fille car elle est lesbienne (elle dit bi pour faire style à mon avis) et en + elle apparaît nue, donc pas total cfnm

Anonymous said...

Parles vous English?

Anonymous said...

well done channel 4! brilliant post Marie! thank you!

nakeddave said...

wow i would volunteer to be on the show

rod said...

Girls are encouraged by presenter to have a good study and discuss what they prefer on the guys cocks.

Anonymous said...

The smallest dicks get eliminated real fast.. You're not going to win a date with your tiny dick exposed what were the shrimp dicks thinking?

Anonymous said...

The smallest dicks get eliminated real fast.. You're not going to win a date with your tiny dick exposed what were the shrimp dicks thinking?