Saturday, October 15, 2016

Walking B2B with boyfriend: 

who is more amused, who more embarrassed,

the girl or the guy? 



Proud Servant said...

I think he's happy and she's kind of embarrassed. I hope she relaxed as time went on. She's cute! I'd be her naked water boy, definitely.

Anonymous said...

She's embarrassed because this guy who is her boyfriend has a peanut cock

Anonymous said...

Really a teasing pic: everybody around him is dressed and the girlfriend is surprised and embarrassed!

Anonymous said...

Anon Oct 16, 3:10 AM: you are so frustrated about your own tiny peanut cock that you only comment about peanut cocks! Haha!

Anonymous said...

I think she is just posing for the photo. she loves that her man is nude with his cock bouncing about.

Anonymous said...

She is amused because he is hard or stiffening and he feels even more exposed because of it. Ps his cock is pointing straight at the camra.

Anonymous said...

She's more embarrassed cause his dick is pale white and small

Anonymous said...

Anon at October 16, 2016 at 3:10 AM is obsessional about peanut dicks. He´s either a queer or has such a teeny-weeny penis who makes him a frustrated guy...
On the other hand, the girl is happy and amused because she knows she´s hot stuff, even being totally clothed, but has her boyfriend with nothing to hide and his dick swinging freely. She´s really naughty, don´t you think, guys?

Happy Naked Male said...

I know I dared you to go naked but I didnt think you actually would!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Naked Man, do you really know that naked guy? :O