Saturday, November 05, 2016

A couple on the beach


Anonymous said...

Frontal photos Marie please

Anonymous said...

Frontal photo? Do you really think she took the photo? I think she does a great job in publishing that kind of photo, even if it's not frontal. That's totally CFNM and I love it. Carry on, Marie, you're the best.

Anonymous said...

You don't wanna see the guys dick???

coleopter said...

No, actually I don't. You'd be surprised how many of us CFNM fans are heterosexual.

Anonymous said...

I confirm. I'm heterosexual and I'm more pleased in seeing CFNM situation than seeing a dick. If I want to see a dick, I can always see mine. :) I prefer the situation and the woman reaction.

Proud Servant said...

This is a lovely photo, showing both the physical and psychological aspects of CFNM. She's leading him by the hand. She's already led him a long way from his clothes, and he's going to go wherever she takes him and stay naked for as long as she wants. Taking off his clothes was just the beginning of turning power over to her.

Anonymous said...

I'm hetero also, and I totally agree with all of the pro-CFNM comments. Love it, love it, love it! Especially the dominant female over subservient male power aspect of it, whether conscious or not, and the implicit unfairness to the boys that the girls have here. Marie, you indeed are the best! And so are you, Jocelyn and Beth, where ever you both are.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, CFNM is an hetero deal!
The situations involve female moods and reactions, male genitals view is a part of cfnm but is not essential!

Anonymous said...

We all can see the guy's ass, but can't see the lady's one. She can see as many dicks as she wants, but these naked guys can't see her pussy. It's very unfair, isn't it, Jocelyn?

Anonymous said...

great photo. I am also hetero and love the topless female, nude male