Saturday, January 14, 2017

L E      P E T I T    B E C , 

WEI in the French schools


Anonymous said...

encore des petites quéquettes, ça ne met pas la quéquette française à l'honneur.

Anonymous said...

Yes, small dicks, and so what?
The philosophy of cfnm is not about having a big or a small dick, it is all about showing it to girls and women.
That is really the great thing about French hazing: no guy, including the numerous ones with an average dick, can avoid to show it all for the clothed female co-eds who are in charge of the hazing.

Proud Servant said...

I love it that CFNM is just part of the deal in this hazing. The boys don't have a way out, and it provides safety for the women. They don't have to declare that they have an interest in CFNM, it just happens. But maybe it will awaken something for them. Perhaps one of these women will take an interest in a boy who's shy but compliant and seek him out for greater intimacy, on her terms.