Sunday, April 16, 2017

Norwegian High school graduation students

The russefeiring ("russ celebration") is a traditional celebration for Norwegian high school students in their final spring semester. 

Students that take part in the celebrations are known as russ.
It's start around 20 april and end on 17 May the Norwegian Constitution Day.

Drunkenness, nakedness, mainly male, and public disturbances are regularly linked to the celebration.



Anonymous said...

"mainly male"

During my time researching CFNM, I've found that this is *always* the case in Scandinavia. They seem to be far more accepting of male nudity. Just google "Swedish Balloon dance/ballongdansen" or "Bastuloppet". Both of these events involve both genders stripping down, but the women *always* at least keep their panties on while the men let their cocks out. These are real life TFNM events and they happen all the time. It's almost unbelievable that it's real; with all the male full frontal nudity these events feature, not a single woman goes bottomless.

tim said...

Lovely! And no woman should ever go bottomless - or topless for that matter. Lets hope it spreads to schools everywhere.