Saturday, September 02, 2017

CFNM: women loving naked guys or men's exhibitionism?

Sometimes CFNM situations ask what the real driver is:

a) women enjoy having naked males, looking at them and having fun

b) men like to show themselves nude to women, enjoying they look at their assets?

What's  your opinion?


coleopter said...

Ahem, okay: as a figure model, I think I can offer some insight. By way of introduction, I cite the myth of Diana and Actaeon. Here it is, from Ovid by way of Charles Bulfinch:

To summarize, the highborn Actaeon, while on a hunting excursion, surprises Diana, goddess of the hunt, bathing in a stream and therefore naked. She punishes the intruder by converting him into a stag, whereupon he is rent asunder by his own hounds. Moral of story: if you're a dude and you see a naked lady, you had better avert your eyes or something really bad will happen to you.
But here's the thing: evidently there was a lot of male public nudity in ancient Greece, female not so much. For example, in the ancient Olympics, as numerous sources attest, nude was the official uniform. And yes, there were girls in the bleachers, cheering on their favorites and crowding the racecourse to see their nostrils flare and their testicles bounce like high-spirited stallions. As for the girls, they had their own separate events, at which they wore demure tunics. Sorry, guys!
Granted, the men didn't always go around in their bare skin. The Olympics were a quadrennial rite devoted to the fertility goddess Demeter. But the rite, like the myth, served to validate an important social norm: that the female body was more sacrosanct than the male.
Nowadays, our athletes don't compete in the nude, but in the postgame they must occasionally grant interviews to lady journalists while they are perforce nude. Do you think women athletes will ever suffer the same indignity? I wouldn't bet on it. A fair body of legal precedent has been amassed to the effect that female privacy is a higher mandate.
And therein lies the crux: women may or may not be the weaker sex (Girls, when was the last time you took a kick in the balls?), but men are in general a little bit more visual in their appraisal of women, a little bit more impulsive, and, let's face it, a man's testicles produce certain substances which can affect his judgment. To be sure, the vast majority do not act out their impulses. But historically enough have done to spoil it for the rest of us. Hence the gender difference in privacy norms, which transcends cultures, is pretty well grounded in the facts of life, and this is something all men must learn to accept if they are to become socially mature.
At the same time, that acceptance is challenged by the fact that men are just as prone to embarrassment as women are. As a figure model, I can report that it is quite mortifying the first time you mount the platform and stand buck-naked in a roomful of does: { And ladies, trust me on this: nothing so lays bare the empty pretense of machismo as having your testicles examined by a woman!: {
So why do I continue to do it? Well, I suppose you could compare the experience to diving into the cold Atlantic: after the initial shock wears off it's not so bad, nice even. Something similar happens when I'm on the platform: the initial frisson of embarrassment dissipates and I am inspired to do more and more daring gestures by the warm smiles and appreciative eyes of the women present.

So to answer the question posed by Marie: CFNM is a rite, it is a celebration of our differences, the fact that girls have a few rights guys don't got, and as such it really doesn't work without at least a little embarrassment, and for that you need an element of compulsion ("No, dear, you aren't allowed to wear a swimsuit on this beach.")
CFMM without male embarrassment is just dickflashing. Not the same thing at all.

Vive la Difference!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marie,

I for myself love cfnm and I love talking males into it. I also love photographing naked males.


Anonymous said...

I appreciated a lot your erudit comment.
However I do not completely agree.
CFNM is a mix of sensations and stituations from both parts, male and female.
Embarrasment is only one of the them.
Exhibitionism (of guys)and voyeurism (of female) are equally elements of CFNM.
The share of them depends on people and situtation.
From ancient times till now, CFNM is a part on human nature.
Moreover, today everybody, more and more love and practice CFDNM!!

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is, that blonde is hot! If I were he and she were next to me, I'd be at full attention!

Anonymous said...

I think cfnm is real nice if both partners like it. Most men like to be naked and it's arousing if the women watch. I must admit I belong to these men.
Women are more different. Some like going nude with men. That's not cfnm.
However others do not show themselves naked however they have their fun to watch naked men. The bolder ones of this type even force their male friends to walk naked. I had such a girlfriend and I loved it! I have the impression that you see more and more clothed women at optional clothing beaches with cameras. When I met such a woman first who took my pic I was really embarrassed and asked her to delete. She denied. After some discussions she began to tease me. Even today I feel aroused when thinking that an unknown woman has my naked pics. And I am happy she hasn't deleted them. I love brash women!
Other women seem not to be interested in naked males or they event aren't interested. I think it is not worth being naked in front of such a woman - she doesn't want and there is no fun.

Anonymous said...

At least I love watching and teasing naked men while remaining clothed! It is sexual arousing and it is a sign of power over the men!

Anonymous said...

for me it's a pleasure to show myself naked to women who'd like to see
I'm pleased to give them such a pleasure by just getting naked for them
I have no modesty to show them my sex if they want to see it, I feel so well naked

coleopter said...

I don't believe a flasher forcing himself on women (or men, for that matter) counts. The point is male vulnerability, not male menace. For that, a little bit of shame is necessary. Of course, in situations like prizefighter's weigh-ins and locker room interviews, there is also an element of chivalry: as a man in full, the athlete has learned to accept the indignity.
And though, even for an experienced life model like myself it can still be a little embarrassing to pose nude in front of women, we have learned that there's no need to be ashamed- we're among friends, some of them happen to be female. Relax, keep calm, and carry on.😏
But at the end of the day, well, girls still have a few rights guys don't have. Real men learn to accept it. For many of us, CFNM is about that learning process.
Btw, what is CFDNM?

Anonymous said...

What's CFDNM??