Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Just a look inside


Anonymous said...

The cock is so tiny that she can’t see it !!!!

Anonymous said...

She’s amused with the peanut dick !!!

Anonymous said...

She’s telling “ I need a magnifying glass to see your dick “

Anonymous said...

This photograph reminds me of the film "Between heaven and hell" about the protestant reformation. The fully clothed girlfriend of Müntzer washed him in a bathing tube. When he wanted to leave the tube she took a bath towel to protect his nudity. However, when he has just stood up she removed the towel so that he was standing totally naked in the room. She gazed directly onto his cock and the viewer could see the naked actor from behind with a real beautiful ass. After she had teased him a lot he chased her through the room. It was a beautiful view for each female viewer how his ass was moving. In the end there was a loving scene. However his girlfriend remained clothed! It was a pure cfnm scene - and it was the only naked scene! Unfortunately, I couldn't see his cock, although the camera was near to show.
Marie, if you have pictures of this scene or even a movie please present it for us women!

Formerly CfnmFan said...

She seems excited to his cock and balls after he shaved for the first time.

Kat said...

" wow, honey what a big dick you have"! I like to see naked men with girls in bikinis.

Kat said...

" wow, honey what a big dick you have"! I like to see naked men with girls in bikinis.

Anonymous said...

She says: Honey, you don't have a beard down there!

Kat said...

He says,"look how hard my dick gets, just looking at your beautiful melons honey".

Anonymous said...

It was here just a minute ago...

Anonymous said...

i hope you like femaledom

Laura said...

"Tu as froid, chéri ? Ton zizi a encore rétréci depuis tout à l'heure !"