Monday, March 05, 2018




cette paire de jeunes mariés français arrive

ici ils sont debout pendant la cérémonie

et ici ils sourient, en pensant à l'après ...

la mariée et le marié posent à l'extérieur dans leurs robes de mariée

elle l'embrasse et le prend par la cravate pour l'emmener aux prochaines photos ...

les photos sont sur le terrain de rugby parce qu'il est joueur

les photos sont avec toute son équipe de rugby ... comme si elles étaient dans le vestiaire et elle couvre ses yeux

et loin les ballons pour une belle photo de mariage de groupe!

et elle sourit, appréciant le spectacle ... mais il est excité à l'intérieur de son pantalon en montrant tant de coqs à sa fiancée!

un défilé de huit coqs pour célébrer la mariée ... la mariée les goûtera tous?
et tout le monde court heureusement vers le but
puis aussi la photo avec l'équipe féminine ... mais habillée  mais ici le marié devrait être nu !!


Anonymous said...

Why isn't the husband naked? Is he a Caspar Milquetoast?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, when I married we were both photographed naked the first time. It was somehow embarrassing and somehow exciting. And it was really sexy when my bride touched my cock and the female photographer clicked. However it was an equal thing. I also touched her cunt and her breasts. It was really arousing for both of us and we had real good sex afterwards.
The photographer was a feminist and when she married she insisted that her husband was naked while she remained dressed while photographing. Although he really hated it I regretted that we hadn't had some cfnm pics with my wife in her wedding dress and me fully naked with erect cock. My wife who accepts me as equal and who I am loving for that not only accepted my wish but also told me that she also likes the feeling of embarrassment when being the only nude one.
Today we have got a real interesting sex life with a mixture of cfnm, nfcm and nudism. And even if the photographer is a real selfish person I don't want to have a partnership with it is really exciting and arousing when we have our cfnm time. Although it is not the way my wife treats me it is extremely arousing when she plays the superior role. We even have key words so that she knows to stop or to even increase the humiliation. I like the photos best when we are photographed with her elegantly clothed taking my naked pics with a high-quality camera.
On the other hand she likes nfcm photographs at a male photographer. She really gets wet when I enter her cunt with my fingers while being photographed.

Kat said...

Guys naked but women clothed but still showing their sexy legs great cfnm

Anonymous said...

I love cfnm weddings!

francoiscfnm said...

un mariage de rêve ! et si on en faisait une tradition, les potes du marié doivent être nus pour le photo officielle !

Anonymous said...

The correct way for a groom to dress is nothing but a bow tie around the cock and balls.