Tuesday, June 26, 2018

WNBR riding, couple or friends?


Formerly CfnmFan said...

I think they are a couple and she's smiling because she can have her man in display.

Anonymous said...

Must be a couple she's looking after his clothes in her cycle box he won't be getting dressed until she decides

cfnmlover said...

That's always fun, not being allowed to get dressed until she gives permission:)

Kat said...

They are a couple and she is smiling because her boyfriend has to ride naked And she gets to keep her clothes on

Anonymous said...

Tiny cock! Loser! :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely they are a couple and she kept his clothes!

Anonymous said...

His dick is not so tiny, it's the pic perspective misleading.
His balls are squeezed on the seat and his glands is pointing out of the foreskin ...
nice indeed!