Monday, July 09, 2018



Nicola is an old friend of my blog. He already sent me some pics of him during past WNBR, and again.
Now, new WNBR edition, new photos.

Thanks a lot Nicola, send me more and more CFNM pics of your to share on the blog!



Formerly CfnmFan said...

Very sexy pics, Nicola.

Anonymous said...

In the second pic, is that your mother?

Kat said...

The Asian girl in the first picture looks really nice. I have noticed that when a female Is turned on she thrust her tits or chest out and that girls tits are thrust out.

nicola said...

yes the asian girl is very cute..and no, the lady is not my mother

Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nicola said...

u can write me on my email (

Anonymous said...

Those are absolutely brilliant photos Nicola, amazing! I love the fact you have a nice uncut cock and keep that little bit hidden from the girls...I think I may have seen some of your photos on flickr, do you have a Flickr profile where you have more photos like these?

nicola said...

thank u
i haven t profile of flickr sorry

Anonymous said...

hello Nicola, very nice pictures , thank you !
i just wanted to know who takes the photos, generally ? your friends or friends of the ladies ?
During a day cfnm like that, do you have some dates opportunities from the ladies ?

nicola said...

female friends take the photos generally

Anonymous said...

That's a shame, there are lots of groups on Flickr that would love your photos! Do you have any more you can share?

Formerly CfnmFan said...

I see our names are virtually the same! Good choice!

Anonymous said...

Nicola, do you have encounters sometimes with ladies during Wbnr or is it just pure exhibitionnism ?

Anonymous said...

Nicola, what's your Flickr ?

عبد العظيم يوسف عمار said...

Really I love the idea of nude pics with old woman dress really I love all older women

Anonymous said...

Looks like Nicola is living the dream. Thanks for sharing. Love the casual nature of these pictures.

Old School Fan said...

I just love the first photo.

Pretty, young Asian girls seem so innocent on the surface, but with so many of them showing up at these events, you just KNOW they are a powder keg.

Cmnf said...

Your camel toe looks fantastic Nicola why don't you pull your shorts down show us your pussy?