Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Nøgenkanoløb på Smukfest 2018 

Naked (male) canoeing competition again!

Girls have fun looking and smiling at naked guys

girls in the first row for a good look at dicks and balls swinging

"Oh my God!" is saying the girl on the left checking the pics in her phone

She would touch him with her hands instead that with the strip

only girls staring at the double dicks exposure


Anonymous said...

looks like the girl in the third photo has a great seat to watch the swinging dicks go by

Anonymous said...

Anon at August 15, 2018 at 3:55 PM: meh.

Kat said...

Girls have big smiles checking the guys dicks and bare asses out.

Anonymous said...

"Oh my God!" is saying the girl on the left checking the pics in her phone

And who was the nice girl who took the pics and send it to Marie? A lot thanks to her!!!!!