Monday, October 29, 2018

A young boy ashamed of riding naked,

after being stripped by his girlfriend and mom

mum demanded his clothes

He looks around while girlfriend asks him to go

She wants everybody see his hanging balls

He is blushing while covering his genitals

Anyway he has to ride naked


Anonymous said...

Why hasn't his girlfriend no camera? Has she got no girlfriends to show her pics?

Naked Male said...

Those photos are from the 2009 world naked bike ride held in Burlington, VT. That is not his girlfriend. She's his sister!

Consider also that Burlington is a very small city. In addition to his mother and sister seeing him naked, the chances of girls he knows seeing him naked had to be very, very, high!

Truthfully, wouldn't most of us here LOVE to trade places with him!

Anonymous said...

I remember my first time naked in public, it was two years ago at WNBR.
This was liberating, humiliating and exciting, if I was not so anxious; despite been so horney, I did not get hard instead I suffered shrinkage.

I documented the event and recently posted a pick on this blog.

I would be interested in reading other peoples first time experiences.


Anonymous said...

I had the same problem. I was thinking about the day I was to go nude in public and was so anxious and excited I could not relax enough to get semi hard. the next time, I decided to drink a few shots of tequila. that helped.

Anonymous said...

love to see how embarrassing the poor boy is
come on bro, you have to show your dick at the end

Anonymous said...

This is perfect CFNM. Boys must go naked while girls and women watch! Send him out on the streets so everybody can see him - whether he likes it or not. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

This year is the boy´s turn. Next year, it will be her sister who will have to ride totally nude.

Old School Fan said...

There is something exciting about this taboo brother-sister-mother dynamic.

Formerly CfnmFan said...

I am convinced that every single one of us guys would love to have traded places with the guy. I'm of the opinion that the younger a guy is introduced to cfnm experiences and lifestyle, the more dedicated he will be to his girlfriend and wife later in life.


Hi Chris, I'm Jen's boyfriend. For me the first time naked in public was in the nude beach, there are pics in the blog. It was more exciting that humiliating, it was also liberating as you said. It was so exciting that I needed to talk with Jen about things different to forget about the situation of being naked in public, and for me it was a little problematic at the beginning to avoid having an erection, I remember that during the first minutes in the nude beach I was a little erected and I had also some precum. I remember that was very funny and also exciting for Jen as well.

Anonymous said...

World Naked Bike Ride Burlington VT - 2009

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jen's boyfriend, be brave push you're comfort zone and have fun.


Anonymous said...

Boys shouldn't be embarassed about being naked, especially around their own family. It's natural and it gives them confidence.

Anonymous said...

I have been naked in public with mom and some neighbourhood ladies, sister and three of her friends from neighbourhood, just like this when I was around 16 and we went to a lakeside similar to beach. They had forgotten to take my swim suit apparantly... and I had not worn any underwear. So, they insisted on me swimming with them butt naked as I was a boy, and it was okay for boys to be naked. The most embarassing thing was one of the girls was my classmate I had crush on. Playing naked around them was pretty awkward.