Tuesday, December 18, 2018

CFNM is increasingly the norm in married life

Exposing him in public during WNBR

"Do you think it's right for me to be naked in front of everyone?"

"Sure, my darling! And even better if you handle your cock!"
"And now, let's go! Walk naked among these ladies to show yourself


Anonymous said...

It seems to be a cool lady who knows what she wants!

Formerly CfnmFan said...

I love confident women like this lady. If only cfnm caught on in South Africa! I am not that lucky yet.

Old School Fan said...

"No Honey. We are NOT leaving until at least 5 women come over and start a conversation about your dick! Now fluff up!"

Anonymous said...

The woman doesn't even look at his attractive naked body, let alone his cock. 🍆 She just seems to be complaining. How unsympathetic. 🙁

Anonymous said...

Bras croisés il ya une autorité naturelle chez cette femme, elle décide de le mettre nu ,pour elle quoi de plus normal, et lui il écoute sa femme car c est elle qui décide.