Sunday, February 03, 2019

F r e n c h      c o l l e g e     g a m es        

Don't be shy and show yourself! (please note the seated girl on the left smiling!)
The girl with the pink shirt appreciates the show ...

Girls don't go beyond underwear ,,,


Anonymous said...

In 3rd photo the no.2 girl in purple pants has a very kissable bum mmm! :)

Anonymous said...

would love to see more of this. it looks like a fun game for all

tim said...

Wonderful! Its great to see that even in these PC days that the great tradition of hazing new male students is still alive and well.
In the first photo the naked guy looks like he has just returned from one hazing challenge before being sent off to the next. I love the girls laughing in this one.
In the third photo the man is about to start a new test but it is hard to know what he being forced to do.............hopping from one hoola hoop to the next everybody can watch this balls jiggling about?! Wicked! Hehe!

Anonymous said...

I think in the first photo they're doing the ice bucket challenge.

Old School Fan said...

For the 1st photo: I know, right? He's nude in front of several ladies. He might as well get with the program and let his bird show!