Wednesday, April 24, 2019



Anonymous said...

That chick looks like she doesn’t want to touch that dick or tongue. She is really noncommittal! I’ll do it for the picture but stay the fuck away from me.

coleopter said...

Testicles are a goyle’s best friend. The source of his muscles, his macho, and his amatory longings finds itself at the mercy of li’l old she, as he tries in vain to visualize the tawny flanges beneath all that gold lamé. “Better do as I say, Honey!”
Vive la difference.

Old School Fan said...

To the first commenter:

I see just the opposite - she is blissfully savoring the touch of his tongue, while gently tickling his balls.

She does seem a bit bashful however - a more assertive girl would have probably grabbed a fistful of his nuts and squeezed!