Saturday, June 15, 2019

Asian girls love attending WNBR,
staring naked males,
taking pics of their assets, and ... 
... sometimes going by far beyond !



Anonymous said...

LOL that's obviously a man not a woman

coleopter said...

No, I’m pretty sure she’s a woman. But he’s not a casual acquaintance, he’s her significant other- and she seems to have had him gelded. She’s showing him off for WNBR! What better occasion?

Old School Fan said...

She does seem more forward than women usually are posing next to the nude guys.
(Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

Anonymous said...

That's an Asian transexual, probably a Filipino transexual.

Anonymous said...

she is a woman (I think) love how she handles that cock.

coleopter said...

“Ceci n’est pas une pipe!”

Anonymous said...

excellent however regarding the erect naked guy
more of this please !

CFNM1976 said...

Real once she has ahold of his penis she realizes it's not that bad and now she wants to greet every male this way.