Monday, July 01, 2019

A couple on the beach


Anonymous said...

interesting situation!

Anonymous said...

'Are you jealous girls'
she says as she posts the photo on Instagram

Anonymous said...

First day on their week-long beach vacation on the CFNM island. Claire hasn't yet told Tony a few of her college girlfriends are going to be joining them tomorrow. They always had a crush on Tony in college - now they'll have a week to enjoy him in the flesh!

Formerly CfnmFan said...

Very imaginative comment. I can hardly wait for the rest of the story!

Anonymous said...

Her strong and naked male protector.

Anonymous said...

TFNM is best !

Anonymous said...

Agree nice story & her friends have plenty to look at.
No wonder she is so smug

Anonymous said...

Check out stories about Giros Island (CFNM island) on my blog!

Old School Fan said...

Great stories! I am adding your blog to my CFNM blog's sidebar (despite the scarcity of photos).

Hey, that one dude's name is "Hamm", just like yours! lol

Anonymous said...

So your comfortable as it's your first time nude a nice surcluded spot to sun bath and I'll go topless for the day . the rest of our holiday at the nudist sign you will undress ( feet upwards completely nude no jewellery /watches )then hand to me your clothes to safety keep until I decided their return then long walks along the sea shore a prime spot of sun bathing and swimming allowing others to enjoy my new swimsuit and your complete nakedness x

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Old School Fan!

Old School Fan said...

Hey Duke Hamm,

What happened to your blog? It was gone after 2 days of great stories!

Anonymous said...

Hey Old School - I took it down. Email me (in my Blogger profile). Would you be willing to publish some of the Giros Island stories in your blog?