Sunday, May 17, 2020

"Don't get dressed or I'll shoot you!"

There are more and more scenes in the movies of women who force men to be naked.
These scripts, perhaps written by women, 

respond to a desire that many women would like to fulfill in reality ...


Anonymous said...

That's not only a dream for women, but also for men.

Anonymous said...

Which movie?

Old School Fan said...

I don't know about the shooting part, But I love that women are forcing men to be nude, even in public!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Reckless (2014)

Anonymous said...

The film is called "Bloedlink" (2014). The Director and screenwriters are men, so Marie didn't guess.) By the way, the film has not only a CFNM scene, but also a CMNF for men.

Anonymous said...

Hard to see but I guess 16 cm


Anonymous said...

Yes, very hard 18 cm.


Anonymous said...

LOL Geraldine! As hard as it gets this one, 17 cm. Carla x