Tuesday, June 09, 2020

A funny competition: 

sack race goes in a pants race



Anonymous said...

Superb picture set - everybody seems to be enjoying themselves but the women look particularly delighted with the show!

Anonymous said...

maybe it should be named the ball sack race.

Anonymous said...

I think that Coleopter wouldn´t be able to do this. He´s too shy...

Anonymous said...

Well it seems I have got ahead of both Petra and Carla playing this guessing game. Just guessing the size of the first boys willy, I am going for 16 centimetres.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good guess Geraldine. I will have a shot at 15 cm. Carla x

JT said...

Sounds right. Jogging takes blood from the groin.

Laura said...

Nice show ! Girls enjoy that !

Cmnf said...

Too bad your dad raped you as a child.