Saturday, January 16, 2021

Cartoons show the secret fantasies of women:

having a naked tied man and handling his cock ...










Anonymous said...

Thx to Jen and Arnie !

CFNM1976 said...

They don't come true often enough./.
Any females in the Ohio area interested in CFNM let me know./.

Anonymous said...

Missing Jen & Arnie.

Dick with balls said...

I like she how takes the balls with smile in the face

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Jen & Arnie disappeared and other couples overcome them !!

Anonymous said...

love her smile. she is having fun.

cfnmlover said...

I know how that feels to be that guy:) I've had it done to me before and watched her smile in almost the same way:)

Anonymous said...

Now she just needs to keep pulling that rope up until he is hanging by his balls. I think they will both end up liking it but she will enjoy it more of course. Every woman should have her males by his balls.

PSR said...

I love it when a lady penetrates my pee slit! I wish this beautiful lady does the same with him. And I love to have my testicles tied up - it's my respect to the lady to offer her my testicles, my gonadotropin, my balls, my manhood. It's upto her to do what she wants to do with my male eggs! So far fortunately, no woman has tried to scramble my eggs or make an omelet out of them!

PSR said...

His balls are small and cute. Very pretty testicles.