Sunday, October 17, 2021

Unveiling the boyfriend for her friend to see . . .

and being stripped by his girlfriend in front of her friend makes him hard



Anonymous said...

It looks like she more in mind than just exposing him - what is that cord she has wrapped around her hands for?

George said...

Lucky boy!

Anonymous said...

Good girl! That is what all girls should do. They should always expose her boyfriends cocks to their female friends. This should be the unspoken rule of relationship - you want to be my boyfriend? Be prepared that all my female friends will eventualy see your naked penis!

Anonymous said...

I fully agree, all girls should do that

CFNM1976 said...

Why stop there? Fully naked.

Anonymous said...

These girls appear to be underage and this post should be DELETED

Anonymous said...

They appear that way IN YOUR OPINION.

Stop being a buzzkill.

Anonymous said...

There is a name for people who derive pleasure from young girls in sexual situations
If you need a clue it isn't "buzz kill"

Anonymous said...


These girls are not underage. If you don't like this, GTFO.

Anonymous said...

At worst they are too young or at 'best' they appear to be too young
Either way it's wrong and using insults against someone for simply pointing it out doesn't change that.
If this is this what site is about now I'll leave you to it

Anonymous said...

It is good that you alert people to underage people being in pics but I think your fears are misplaced. They are over 16 certainly and over 18 possibly. Femsup

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving me some credit.
Even if the girls are 16 which is doubtful when did it become acceptable for them to be featured in a sexualised way.
Indeed in some States and even countries this us in fact quite rightly illegal.
I didn't think that this CFNM page would either endorse or encourage this.

Cmnf said...

That's right a girl should let her boyfriend fuck all of her female friends.