Tuesday, May 10, 2022

C F N M     I S     G L A M O U R

CFNM is glamour, more and more used in female fashion photography and advertising, 

an evidence it's spreading everywhere and everytime



George said...

Gorgeous! May the trend continue

Anonymous said...

This growing CFNM trend is especially being used in online female fashion advertising, with stern looking empowered well clothed women featured with multiple totally nude males in powerless subordinate positions. I wholeheartedly approve of this gender role-reversal cultural shift…..Mrs. P

CFNM1976 said...

I like her./.

NudeVinzAtl said...

The height of fashion!

Anonymous said...

Very glamorous
Love her expression
Mean, moody and very sexy! :=)

Anonymous said...

Imagine her joy when found out she would be fully clothed and only the men would be naked

Anonymous said...

She should not have her hand in front of them as she should have them showing everything. If more ads did this, showing fully and well-dressed women with naked males with the males showing everything in plain view it would help expedite making pure CFNM popular everywhere allowing males to let it all hang out for the ladies viewing pleasure. Put it on all women's clothes commercials with nothing left to her imagination.

Anonymous said...

Following the Anon comment about full exposure of the males' " private parts " : by exposing the " private " to full view contrasts perfectly with displaying women's fashion which is designed to bring out the importance of " dressing well " which is a method of looking remarkable by hiding what the woman really looks like. In the picture she's wearing a very plain black dress. What better contrast can there be to a plain black dress than not one but two fully exposed men ?

Great concept.

The Naked Guy said...

It's good to see this change in society where women and their sexuality was previously used to sell things, now guys are also apart of this. It's only fair that we as men also allow ourselves to be objectified in this way to even the score.

Anonymous said...

May 11 @ 4:09,

Of course you do! You like every girl here because you are a little boy with raging hormones, but one who hasn't yet realized that the other 99% of us here don't need to know every time a girl's photo here gets your bone hard.

This is a CFNM blog, but you treat it like it was a Teen Beat Magazine.

Go take a cold shower, young man.

Anonymous said...

She's so hot. I'd love for her to see my little dick

Anonymous said...

It’s like she is saying “ These are Mine keep your eyes off them!”