Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Laying on the beach ...

when exhibitionism meets voyeurism

CFNM gets its best !

Men like laying on the sand naked, so that any passing woman can see their nudity on display ...

Women enjoy the show ... and when their men are dressed ...

they ask them to follow the example of the naked guys !


The girl in the 1st photo is saying "Look at that guy, you too should undress completely and lay naked on the sand to be admired.

In the 2nd photo, the seated woman is looking without restraint 

at the man lying naked next to him and commenting with the other woman. 

The girl with the glasses and the pink bikini says to the guy 

"take off those horrible green shorts and lie down you tooin the nude!

(look for the key laying on the blog)


Anonymous said...

2nd photo woman in sitting in red/pink bikini is obviously discussing his nakedness with her friend in black bikini

Anonymous said...

Notice not only the guy laid down but also the naked guy at the waters edge

Anonymous said...

I would immediately follow up on the instruction of both of these pretty young ladies (photo 1: standing, dark hair, dark blue bikini and photo 2: sitting, blonde, pink bikini) to fully undress myself. I'm sure my pimmelchen would rise immediately. Them two gniffling about the size of my manhood is no problem at all. Please do doublecheck the pictures and join me in enjoying the first girl's ass and the other one's hooters...


CFNM1976 said...

The second picture is suspicious.
There are several people who are in two places at once.

Anonymous said...

@CFNM1976 It took me a while to find it but you are quite correct about some people appearing twice. Definitely a smooth job of photoshopping

Anonymous said...

I love the first photo. Without his body hair, the nudity is enhanced.
In time: where are Jen and Arnie, popular couple on the blog? We expect new images of them, always wonderful in the practice of CFNM.

The Naked Guy said...

Clothing optional beaches are one of the best places to practice CFNM. One of the biggest reasons I look forward to summer every year is the anticipation of getting my clothes off on the beach and taking a stroll in the buff to see who I might catch looking.

the smiling barber said...

Photo #1 - yes, there is always something more naked about a fully shaved crotch!

Marie said...

The picture is real, but simply I worked a little it in orded to hide a child !
CFNM is an usual, real life practice in many beaches, so that sometimes families and children too are in the images!
Enjoy a CFNM life !

CFNM1976 said...

Okay. It just looked off to see the woman in the gold bikini and a couple others in two places at once.