Saturday, February 04, 2023

Sauna too is a cfnm opportunity ...

The traditional dress code for the sauna is everybody naked or wrapped in a towel.

However, more and more, males are completely naked and often female not  ...

These are some photos from a real spa in an hotel in Norway, you can find here



CFNM1976 said...

I don't go to enough saunas./.

Anonymous said...

He should be laying on his back.

Anonymous said...

well, this looks so fun. would love to have this experience.

cfnmlover said...

Having been one of the naked guys in a scenario like that, I can say that this is great fun. There were more than one lady in this case, all dressed, and all with cameras.

Anonymous said...

Dressing up with cameras in the sauna? This is not a sauna, this is insanity.