Saturday, August 26, 2023

A couple at WNBR

What her face is saying?

She is embarrassed, because he is hard ?

She proud, because he is hard ?

She is asking the photographer not to shoot? 

What's your opinion ?


Anonymous said...

She doesn't look at all happy

Anonymous said...

I think it's her daddy.

Buckeye5395 said...

I don't think the lady is aware of the
gentleman's semi-erection which might be somewhat brought about
by his penis ring. I think her expression is a response to what somebody in the crowd said
or something she had seen.

Coleopter said...

She looks a bit annoyed that her companion has an erection. Speaking as someone who’s done artistic posing, yes, as a male it’s important to temper your libido when nude in public. But when women are present it can be hard not to think longingly of the hairy flanges beneath the fabric. So have some understanding, ladies: our testicles can be metabolically active in the warm summer air.

Lenguar Estapar said...

why does it has a ring? hope to cut it off