Thursday, November 02, 2023



Anonymous said...

He is covering himself. This is unaceptable. I hope she spanked him when they got home

CFNM1976 said...

Yes he shouldn't be covering himself ./. And her hanging around his neck should be all the encouragement he should nee

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous - a spanking is in order!


Anonymous said...

Since he is covering she should grab his balls and squeeze them hard as she tells him these need to be exposed at all times and because you covered them I am going to call all my girlfriends over to come see them as I tell each of them to bring a couple of their girlfriends too.

Anonymous said...

she's trying to strangle him to get his hands off

CFNM1976 said...

Hey go with what works./.

Ricky said...

He should at least show his cock for her friend who is taking the pic. So she can then show it to all her other friends.