Thursday, May 30, 2024

Folsom fair: situations for all tastes

Girls loving to use him as a leash. 



Anonymous said...

Well cocks are a built in handle just right for the ladies to grab and lead their male. If the male resist, she can grab his balls and I am sure she will have his full attention and if not, she can start squeezing those nuts and he will obey.

Anonymous said...

I miss Jen and Arnie on the blog.

CFNM1976 said...

If this isn't the best arguments and lent of why public displays of Clothed Female Naked Male should be norma,l legal and strongly encouraged I don't know what is./.

Anonymous said...

I agree CFNM1976 it should be common just like the photo. I would not mind if other women did that to my husband as long as my husband did not touch them. I would also want the women to be clothed. Is that why mama nature put the male genitals right out front like they are suppose to be on display?

Anonymous said...

Now please tell Pimmelchen: