Friday, November 08, 2024


In France school trips are a adition since a long time and often they are opportunities for teasing dares and nudity. 

Guys usually show a lot of skin while girls generally stay dressed or at most keep their underwear on.

French girls love having their male school fellows naked, or close to naked, staring at them and sometimes taking advantage of stupid games to humiliate them!

During the trip on the bus, these girls enjoy a full and close view of their school fellows completely naked.



CFNM1976 said...

Now I wish I had signed up for that school exchange program./.

Ricky said...

Looks like the boys are proud to show the girls their penis. Now that brings back memories.

Anonymous said...

Of course, boys are proud to show, and girls are happy to watch!

Ricky said...

These French girls also have the advantage of seeing nude males with all the c/o beaches in France.