Oblation run,
Philippines girls enjoy looking at the naked males run
Male students run naked in a large crowd of girls eagerly waiting to see naked boys.
Oblation run is a great, unique, never boring, cfnm event !
Young women laugh, take photos, comment and scream
while watching many cocks and balls on full display in the street!
The event is completely CFNM (only naked males run) and
specially funny.
What makes great Oblation Run is not the dicks' sizes, but the
peculiar atmoshpere: a huge crowd of dressed girls staring at naked
boys.Their attention and mood toward the male nudity, their excitement
in seeing (for someones for the first time) male genitals openly
swinging ...
One ofthe best Cfnm event: for the large number of girls, their moods, smiles, their facial expressions, the enjoyment as well as the embarassement they show ... not for the Philippines boys little dick indeed
However girls have no other opportunity to see so many naked guys and the emotion of looking at their school fellow naked is unique!
They are carrying a bunch of signs that we'll probably see here in the US soon, especially the one that says, "End Martial Law."
I wonder howay girls go husband shopping? CFNM should be a good chance to meet and make a match../.
Superb pics, so nice to see so many people there to support this protest, and most are recording the event for posterity
They hare showing a lot of dicks and balls, we'll love to see in the US soon ! :-)
They are not recording the event for "posterity," they are recording for "posterior."
The best thing about this is that only males are naked and thousands of mostly girls line the route as you can see posted here on Marie's blog Personally, I do not like so called CFNM events where females are exposed while I do like them where a lot of females see naked males.
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