Friday, July 27, 2007

Guys stripped by female friends: a very thrilling subject!! In college games, trips or happenings, often guy are undressed by girls, for girls' amusement. Here some more pics. Girls have you ever done something like? Guys, have you ever been is such a situation? You enjoyed it or you felt embarassed or humiliated? I would like to have your opinion ! More commenys, more pics! Marie


Anonymous said...

Hi first time to your blog i must admit to a secret desire to be stripped by a lot of women and even be photographed naked but my present lady is very religous and so a secret desire it must remain[for now] regards dave

Anonymous said...

Apprécier et se sentir humilier ne sont pas nécessairement exclusifs... :)

Anonymous said...

i too would be interested in being stripped by a group of women and used as they please. perhaps one day it can happen. i am sure it would be so very embarrassing and humilating and at the same time excillerating.


Anonymous said...

I have always been interested in bein naked around a group of women and used as they wish
I also kinda want to be stripped when i dont expect it

Anonymous said...

this situation is in my opinion the most humiliating cfnm situation,held down and stripped by a group of rowdy girls and then they can do as they wish,even more humiliating if hey do it in a public place.this is my ultimate cfnm fantasy even if i do get tied naked to a lampost in the middle of

Randy said...

I'm not into being humiliated but am delighted to be stripped by girls. It's best when the girl or girls know how to feel their guys or squeeze them so they can get them hard. That way the girls will be showing their guys at their best.

Happy Naked Male said...

Would love to be stripped by a group of women. Last photo with her smile showing her sense of triumph at revealing him for all to see while casually holding her drink & cigarette in her other hand!