Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A couple at home
She smiles, he not !
Who is taking the picture?
Her husband and he is her lover?
Her female friend, to whom she want to show her husdand nude?
What's your opinion?


Anonymous said...

Probably none of these. My guess is they're at a "hen party," he's the nude model, and she's one of the women who will draw him.

But I just love the contrast---the man completely nude (not even wearing shoes) and the woman fully clothed with matching handbag no less! I would love to trade places with him.

Jocelyn said...

They both have big, BIG smiles as they are both really enjoying themselves. Women should encourage their men to go naked as much and as often as possible. The men enjoy the freedom, and we women get to see what another man looks like. Kisses, naked boys!

ron said...

I agree with anonymous looks to be a hen party and both look happy to be there.

CalicoPenis said...

Hello Marie, I am new to your blog, and already a big fan. Of course I am careful to respect the rules at all times! I remember very fondly one of my first long-term experiences with CFNM. My neighbor was an older woman in an apartment building and liked to come in unannounced. Once she came in while I was naked in the bathroom. She paused in surprise but then kept talking. After that I was naked a lot around her. She would come over to hang out and watch movies and I would always be naked. Sometimes she would slap my penis in a friendly way and laugh and say "There you go again."

Billy No Mates said...

Both you and I know the origin these photos, but I'd like to thank you for your support please email me nomatesbilly88@yahoo.co.uk

Marie said...

Dear Billy,
may thanks for your message ... and especially for your very nice blog!
I'll write you soon.
Kisses on your ...

Anonymous said...

hey jocelyn ur right its nice to be naked infront of woman, i always obey the blog rule. male here from malta

sanjay6singh9 said...

i wish to be at his place. i like such horny aunties

sanjay6singh9 said...

marie can we be friends on facebook

sanjay6singh9 said...

email me on sanjay6singh9@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

She's smiling as she think to show this picture to her frineds!

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn, I love it when you post "Kisses, naked boys!", and also Marie, when you post "Kisses on your ..."


Marie said...

Anonymous on July 15th,
thank you, but let me know your name!
If you are shy on the blog, write me.
Are you in compliance with the blog rule?
If so, kisses on your ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Marie. Just call me... July15.:)

And as a guy, I absolutely *always* comply with your rule. After all, it's mandatory for us, isn't it?;)

Marie said...

Hi July 15!
Why don't you show me your pics?
Kisses on ...

Anonymous said...

Judging from personal experience I'd say he's been talked into being a nude waiter/plaything for a group of women friends. For an old roommate's going away dinner, I was once talked into serving drinks in a bowtie and gstring to four women including the honoree. One of the gals deprived me of my lower garment ten minutes into the party. Had my gal roommate not be so pleased by the whole thing I might have covered up. By the end of the night I had to posed with each guest.