Thursday, December 20, 2012

 Long elegant female dress is the best contrast with the male naked body!


Anonymous said...

Well Marie, you're the ones who have to bring babies into the world, so I guess you have a few rights we don't have. Most of us learn to accept this, though it may be hard at first.

Anonymous said...

It's CFNM my dear!

Anonymous said...

Wow you really outdid yourself on this post Marie! Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

the best cfnm standard!!!

Jocelyn said...

It's so refreshing to read the comments here, Marie! So many of the boys here understand and accept the double standard, and are proud to go about in the buff. Sorry that you boys are forced to use your imagination, while us girls are provided with so-o-o-o-o-o many refresher anatomy courses!

Merry Christmas, boys! And kisses!

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn is definitely a "prick" woman... Her words give her away... Poor little thing hahaha :D

Anonymous said...

Only can use imagination who has got it. So, only men can make use of it. As women haven´t got neither imagination nor brains, have to make use of sight!!! So simple!XD

Beth said...

Jocelyn, you are right as always. Most boys do understand and accept the double standard, and are proud to go nude with clothed girls! The few boys here that do not are just angry at the unfairness of it all. They'd be a lot happier if they would just accept it as natural and good, and just go bare!:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Beth, so true. I learned the hard way!

Anonymous said...

Beth, you also should accept as natural going about totally nude and showing your pussy, ass and tits!!! It´s good for your health!

Anonymous said...

The woman in the second pic is totally embarassed!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As a man who's totally aroused by the CFNM concept, I'd love to know where I can meet women like Marie, Jocelyn, and Beth. So glad to know you're/they're out there.

Unknown said...

The boy being held by the ear by his mom, is being humiliated because his mom cares enough about his future too discipline him. My own stepmother took me by the ear, naked and dripping shower water, over her knee next too her friend and 8 year old daughter. My 14 year old humiliation at being touched by the girl made her my new babysitter. If I didn't want my testicles tugged, I would learn too obey the girl.