Sunday, January 12, 2014

W  N  B  R        G  I  R  L  S   . . .

These girls seem to be more amused than embarassed.
Chinese espacially seem to enjoy having white dick to see ... maybe beacause Chines dicks are so small !


coleopter said...

What is that V sign the girls are making with their fingers? Is that for peace, victory, ... or are they scissors? Snip, snip ; )

Anonymous said...

It's the Victory sign from Chinese girls, meaning "finally we succeed in looking at dicks that in our country we cannot see!"

Jocelyn said...

No V is for Vagina: "My Vagina is private, off limits to male viewers. But your Penis is exposed, fully on display for all females to see, compare and contrast."

Sorry boys. I know it's unfair.


another naked boy said...

Jocelyn, you clothed vixen, you are such a tease! Yes, of course it's unfair, and for that, my displayed penis salutes you!:)

Steven said...

2 boys are wearing shorts! Are they sissy's? In company of clothed girls a man should be naked offcourse!

Anonymous said...

Great picture. I love the expression on the girl's faces.

Anonymous said...

Me too, I love the girls' faces

coleopter said...

Well, Jocelyn, I hope you're right. I'm a life model, and when I see a girl do that in a class it aggravates my castration anxiety! ; )

Anonymous said...

Chinese women and particularly Japanese don't have many opportunities to enjoy penises in their own countries because of censorship. That's why they appear so curious in the pic.
I'd love to give them the chance to examine my penis...

Anonymous said...

like I said before women that wont get naked. weaker link. life to the fullest not under a rock pussies lol