Tuesday, November 01, 2022





CFNM1976 said...

Happy Halloween to all fellow CFNM fans girls and boys alike./.

Anonymous said...

We just went to a party where all the ladies dressed at strong women while all the males were naked. Each male had to bring at least 3 women so it was my wife and her sister and her two daughters. When we got there, I had to strip in the parking lot and leave all my clothes in the car. Although a couple of other guys cupped going to the door, I walked proudly with everything on display right past a half dozen women. From the look on their face, they loved it as my wife explained that they had to be dressed in the customs they were wearing while the guys had to be naked. GREAT PARTY

Naked Sten said...

Wow.. good for you! Did you get an erection?

Anonymous said...

I would love to be flopping around for all the young ladies!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. good for you! Did you get an erection?

I think all of the males did. I did love it when one man told woman who had a lot of cleavage showing that she was showing too much cleavage all the while he was standing there with is penis fully exposed and totally erect. He was right because this was a pure CFNM party in which only males are to be exposed and only the males.

Naked Sten said...

I'd kill to be in a CFNM party! How did you get invited there? Although, I must say personally, I wouldn't mind staring down a cleavage while she studies my Penis!

CFNM1976 said...

They are hard to come by./. The last one I attended was 7 years ago./. The best one was the pool party and each one of the girls has been given a squirt gun for squirting us where it counts./.

Old School Fan said...

What fun to be walking down the street, ostensibly in a costume, but actually nude.

And when the ladies finally realize what they are looking at? Exhilarating!

Anonymous said...





Super heores


Femdom House said...

This is a wonderful costume..I think all halloween parties must be cfnm...It will be a plesure for all men and women....we can see naked ghosts,naked superman,naked batman etc.....
Please visit my page and read my blogs tooo thank you..

Anonymous said...

"You're showing too much cleavage"- One the gayest statements I've ever heard or read, some people take this way to seriously

Anonymous said...

The woman sitting with the purse in her lap is looking out of the corner of her eye. She should know that women do not need to peek at a naked male in public, if they are naked, any woman can look as closely as they want.

Anonymous said...

I would have asked the nice lady to paint my face and penis head and the rest butt naked!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:57,

Except that he is still behind her, and has not yet entered her field of vision.

skycladlad said...

Video of him getting painted is on Vimeo. While it shows his penis, you have to jump to Patreon to see the painting of his penis.

Anonymous said...

I know him! His name is Hector Martinez and he is a naturist. I'm a subscriber and I've watch this video on his Patreon and believe me it does not disappoint! The complete process of the painting of his penis is shown. Nothing left to the imagination. Do subscribe to support him.

Anonymous said...

Hope this is done in public in front of an audience. that would be super exciting to watch!